Fear My Heart Story

ABOUT US - FEAR MY HEART originated when Carl Jocumsen and his cousin Kris George began their athletic careers. They were both mocked and doubted for setting such lofty goals and trying to accomplish their dreams. They quickly discovered success and achievement would require more than effort, it would take HEART. When they drew strength from their HEART their competitor’s took notice. It is their desire to help others learn what it means to Fear My Heart.


MISSION - We represent the underdog, the unnoticed, the one who never gives up and is an overcomer. The one who knows it's going to take everything  got. When raw talent isn't an option, it's going to come down to HEART. If it's competing in your chosen sport, becoming the best version of yourself or helping lift up your fellow human being it's going to take HEART. FEAR MY HEART is our battle cry. Make it yours! You Can’t Beat Heart!